Board of Directors
Carole Brown, President, was born in Denver, Colorado. After college, she traveled to West Africa where she served as a Peace Corps Volunteer school teacher in Senegal. Returning to the U.S., she made her home in the East, Manhattan for 15 years, then to CT where she married Jim Brown and raised their twin sons. She is a licensed attorney in five states: Texas, Colorado, New York, Connecticut, and Maryland. She served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice, an Assistant District Attorney in NYC, Senior Litigation Counsel for Pfizer in NYC, and has been in private practice for more than 20 years in CT and MD. In 2012, Carole and family moved to Maryland and discovered beautiful historic Annapolis. She is a practicing attorney, with a concentration in Divorce and Family Law. She serves as a Volunteer with the YWCA domestic violence program and is a member of the Civilian Review Board of Annapolis. Carole is a life-long Democrat. Favorite Democratic moments: Election night 2008, Barack Obama elected President of the United States! Thrilling! Jumping up and down, crying, fantastic!! Later, in 2018, she had the sheer joy of shaking Barack Obama’s hands at a fund-raiser in Potomac, MD. She wouldn’t let go!
Heather Bagnall, Vice-President, was born in Washington, D.C. Heather is married to Luke Tudball, another Board Member, and they live in Arnold. Heather has spent her life devoted to the arts. She has written plays that convey her ideals of equality and justice and the struggles that it takes to achieve them. She co-founded Tasty Monster Productions, a company that produces original and re-envisioned lesser known works across the United States and abroad. Heather made history when she was elected as the first Democratic Delegate from District 33 to be elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in over 20 years in 2018! She has made us proud and opened the door for more Democrats from District 33 to represent us in the Maryland legislature. District 33 Dems worked hard to elect Heather and other Democrats, and we will continue to work to turn District 33 blue, blue, blue! Favorite Democratic moment: The moment she heard she had been elected to the Maryland General Assembly — by only 184 votes! Congratulations, Heather. We all celebrated!!
Brent Mancha, Secretary, was born in Hanover, PA. Brent is an epidemiologist and works as a consultant for Abbvie, a pharmaceutical company that makes Humira. Brent works on post-market safety studies for Abbvie products. Brent lives in Millersville with his wife, Desiree, and their two children, Lila (14) and Gavin (10). Although Brent registered as a Republican in high school (because his parents were), in college he quickly realized he was a true blue Democrat! Favorite Democratic moments: In 2018, after working hard for all of our Democratic candidates, including door-knocking week after week, he was thrilled to celebrate the super Democratic victories of Steuart Pittman and Heather Bagnall in Anne Arundel County!!
Jimmy Glenn, Treasurer, originally from Minnesota, moved to Maryland as a teenager. He currently lives in Crofton and is an Accountant for a growing national restaurant brand. Jimmy’s passion for politics and community service started during his childhood through Scouting. Before moving back to Maryland in 2021, Jimmy spent 8 years in Georgia and has been heavily involved in Democratic Party politics. He served on the State Central Committee and Democratic Party of Georgia Executive Committee as the 3rd Congressional District Chair (overseeing 11 County Parties) from 2018-2021, having served as Vice Chair from 2015-2018. He also served on the Coweta County Democratic Committee and served as 1st Vice Chair, while helping and advising on many different local, county, and federal campaigns throughout Metro Atlanta and West Central Georgia. Jimmy also served on the Board of Meals on Wheels of Coweta, as Treasurer, and helped the organization secure and finance a building of their own in 2020. Favorite Democratic moment: Helped elect Joe Biden and two Democratic U.S. Senators—from Georgia in 2020!!
Board Member-At-Large
Alexandra Matiella Novak, past President, Board Member-at-Large, born in Austin, Texas. Alex is married, has a son, and lives in Riva. She is a planetary geologist and is all about space exploration. Alex is a lead activist with the Maryland Chapter of Moms Demand Action and is President of Anne Arundel County Democratic Women. She is also a member of the Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee. A favorite Democratic moment: In 2018, waiting anxiously for the results of the Delegate election and finding out that the last batch of absentee ballots determined the outcome—Heather Bagnall wins!! When we say, “Every vote counts,” we really mean it!!
Board Member-At-Large
Laura Berrios, past Secretary, past Treasurer and current Board Member-at-Large, was born in Laurel, Maryland, and is a life-long Marylander. She has two grown children. Laura retired from the Anne Arundel County Public Schools where she worked with kids with behavioral challenges. She then worked part-time at the Anne Arundel Community College. A favorite Democratic moment: She met Governor Jerry Brown when he was running in the Democratic Primary for President, and she readily admits she was a little “star struck.” Now Laura devotes herself to District 33 Dems and works in all kinds of ways to get all of our Democrats elected—up and down the ticket!
Board Member-At-Large
Samantha Zwerling, Board Member-at-Large, was born in New Jersey. She works in Maryland Government Relations and is a lobbyist for the Maryland State Education Association. Samantha is a member of the Anne Arundel County Central Committee. She was President of her class at University of Maryland. A favorite Democratic moment: She worked hard at UMD to get the Marriage Equality Act passed, and her work paid off! It was passed in 2012 by the Maryland General Assembly and signed into law by the Governor. Another Action Democrat really making a difference!
Board Member-At-Large
Jennifer Garcia, Board Member-at-Large grew up in a military family, but has always considered Maryland home. She now lives in Crofton. Her passion for politics began in high school, continued through college, knocking on doors for President Obama in rural WV, and then interning with the Maryland Democratic Party. She worked on the re-election of Gov. O’Malley and for Democrats up and down the ballot. After relocating to Georgia, she served as Chair of the Coweta County Democratic Committee and was an active member of the State Central Committee. Jennifer was elected as a delegate to the Democratic National Conventions in 2016 and 2020. She also served as Campaign manager for multiple State House races, as well as a 2018 congressional campaign. Jennifer has also served as Chair of the Board of Directors for Coweta CASA and served on the Coweta County Board of Elections Ballot Review Committee. She relocated back to Maryland in 2021 and is currently serving as the Campaign Manager for Shawn Livingston for County Council District 7. A favorite Democratic moment: Helping to turn Georgia blue in 2020, of course, but also dancing with Congressman John Lewis in 2016.
Board Member-At-Large
Luke Tudball, Board Member-at-Large, was born in Reading, United Kingdom and works as a Director, Producer, Educator, and Mentor. He is married to Heather Bagnall, and they live in Arnold. Luke is also a professional actor and proud union member. Indeed, Luke met Heather when she directed him in a charity theatre production for the benefit of the DMV communities. Luke and Heather are Co-Founders of Tasty Monster Productions, a company that produces original and re-envisioned lesser known works across the United States and abroad. Luke is Heather’s Campaign Treasurer, and they work tirelessly to further our Democratic policies and principles in all of the work that Heather does with the Maryland General Assembly. A favorite Democratic moment: Luke was in NYC Times Square when Barack Obama was elected President of the United States! Lights flashing. Mass pandemonium! Amazing and unforgettable – for a thousand reasons!
Board Member-At-Large
Paul Fitzpatrick, Board Member-at-Large, was born and raised in Troy, NY, home of Uncle Sam (Samuel Wilson). Married with three grown children. Served 24 years active duty Army, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. Continues to serve the Department of Defense with TRICARE, the military’s healthcare program. A senior public affairs manager, Paul manages TRICARE communications campaigns keeping 9.6 million beneficiaries informed on how their healthcare is delivered around the globe. Paul has lived here in D33 since 2007 and is a life-long Democrat. He holds a Master’s Degree in Mass Media Communications from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. A favorite Democratic moment: When he turned 18 and voted for the first time! He also got a spaghetti dinner with the privilege!
Board Member-At-Large
Chuck Cook, Board Member-at-Large, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is married, has 3 children, 20, 13, and 11, and lives in Crofton. Chuck is the Legislative and Political Director of the Maryland State and D.C. AFL-CIO. He has worked on multiple Democratic campaigns, from U.S. Presidents to City council members. In Chuck’s own words, he “lives and breathes” Democratic politics. He has worked for the Maryland State Democratic Party and is also a member of the Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee. Chuck is the Master of GOTV. He works tirelessly to organize precinct captains and volunteers to GET OUT THE VOTE. He is also a champion of voting and election data. A favorite Democratic moment: Election night 2012—the re-election of Barack Obama … and the passage of Marriage Equality and the Dream Act all at once. Wow! That perfectly exemplifies Chuck’s work from grassroots to the very top! Plus, he got to celebrate the success of his “hometown” guy. No question Chuck is a super Action Democrat in spades!!